New posts in control-theory

Proof general state space similarity transformation to controllable canonical form

Rigorous mathematical treatments of engineering topics

How to find out a suitable Lyapunov function?

Derivative of a time-varying Lyapunov function

Smith normal form of a polynomial matrix

Optimality — Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) versus Riccati

Are uncontrollable modes with no real part stabilizable?

Self study Control Theory

Proving controllability using eigenvectors and eigenvalues

Proving a transfer function is proper or not

Lyapunov stability question from Arnold's trivium

What is the difference between optimal control and robust control?

Rank of square matrix $A$ with $a_{ij}=\lambda_j^{p_i}$, where $p_i$ is an increasing sequence

Control / Feedback Theory

What is the difference between controllability and reachability?

Extended $\mathcal{L}_p$ spaces as the setting for input-output maps in feedback/control theory

Difference between Bellman and Pontryagin dynamic optimization?

Find a general control and then show that this could have been achieved at x2

Why use a Kalman filter instead of keeping a running average

Correct way to calculate numeric derivative in discrete time?