New posts in differential-geometry

What is the geometric interpretation of the Connection?

If a plane curve has curvature bounded from below, is it contained in a disk?

Are all manifolds in the usual sense also "vector manifolds"?

Example of quasi Yamabe gradient soliton

Reference request for some topics in Differential Geometry like connections, metrics, curvature etc.

Are homeomorphic differentiable manifolds actually diffeomorphic?

Relations of Characteristic classes: Chern, Stiefel-Whitney, Pontryagin, Euler, Wu class. [closed]

What does Differential Geometry lack in order to "become Relativity" - References

Centre of the circle

Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem

Lie groups as manifolds

Examples of global properties that don't arise from local knowledge

Homology and cohomology of 7-manifold

Lipschitz maps between Riemannian manifolds

Normal Bundle is Trivial

Tangent space of Cotangent bundle at zero section?

Radius of Curvature

Criteria of a trivial G bundle of a 3-manifold

What does it take for a smooth homeomorphism to be a diffeomorphism?

How to induce a connection on a submanifold?