New posts in dictionaries

What is a "sounds like" thesaurus called?

Historical Basis for "To Graduate" Being Only a Transitive Verb

What's the earliest reference to a non-article word that still exists today?

What is the word for the reflected sun light?

Capital letter “L” in Oxford English Dictionary entry

Is there an adverb for "ungodly"?

Is 'biasedness' a real word?

Suffers from -> tends to?

Is revolutionist a real word? [closed]

Difference between the -genous and -ginous word suffixes

Where was the term "A1" first used?

Where does "acutilobate" originate from?

Is "deacceleratingly" a valid word?

How is "plenty" a pronoun in "plenty of time"?

Are people using 'of' differently today than they were 20 years ago? [closed]

Descent, Ancestry, Lineage

Downloadable word lists? [duplicate]

Source for tracing evolution of specific polysemes, e.g. "catamaran"?

Does there exist a subset of words which can be used to define all others?

Are dictionaries using 'big data'?