New posts in dictionaries

Is there any dictionary that decomposes an English word into prefix, root, and suffix?

just the concept of evenness and oddness

Does "stand" have the meaning of "be helpful for"?

English dictionary for download [duplicate]

From a non-native's standpoint: Which dictionary should I pay attention to when I find semantically contradictory definitions of a word?

Why do different dictionaries seem to have different nuances in word definitions?

Is "antiturnpikeism" a real word, or a copyright trap?

What we call a dictionary that link positional synonymous words? Is there one already?

bemustached versus mustached

On what juristic basis are students corrected when making mistakes in an English class? [closed]

"Personified" in an OED definition

Why is "pen" of "submarine pen" not in the dictionary?

unparallleled versus unprecedented

Where can I find statistics about count of words starting by letter?

The recent invention of the word "heterosexual"

What is the accepted definition of the following words in this sentence?

Is the Concise Oxford Dictionary British English?

How is malice different from aggression?

The meaning of "bestatued"

Order of definitions in dictionaries