What is the accepted definition of the following words in this sentence?

Solution 1:

None of those are actual English words. I'd say what is going on is that these are intentional "caricatures" of English words, used for humorous effect.

  1. "Uburbulos" appears to just a jumble of endings and roots that results in the same meaning as "urban".

  2. "Deprodication" is a mashing together (perhaps) of depredation and "reproduction", with further liberties taken with the resulting form.

  3. "Errebelous" appears to be a true portmanteau of "erroneous", and "libelous". (That is, a word made by conflating two other words; a phenomenon popularized by Louis Carroll--see Jabberwocky. The canonical example is "smog"="smoke"+"fog".)

While this particular example is over the top for the sake of humor, this sort of thing is one way in which language evolves. So, don't expect to see "deprodication" in a dictionary any time soon (or ever!), but be aware that this same phenomenon occurs in less extreme forms.