New posts in data-transfer

How do I export text messages from android into iphone

As of iOS 13, what filetypes does Safari's Download Manager support?

Extracting files from partial downloads on Mac

How to back-up a folder every 15 minutes without taking up more space than needed?

Extremely slow USB transfer speed

How do I transfer voicemails from old iPhone 4S to new iPhone 5S?

Copying 84 gigabyte file via USB results in duplicate file warning and case sensitive fail where no duplicate exists

Detecting theft of data - folder / files transfered from MacBook to USB

Google Drive transfer without a full upload

Uploading items to iCloud never ending (for weeks)

Is there any danger to relaunching Finder while external drives are connected?

How can I move my local e-mail folders in from my old Mac to my new Mac?

How can I transfer video from my Sony AVCHD camcorder?

Internet download manager alternative for OS X? [duplicate]

What's the difference between a hardware register and a memory-mapped register?

Javascript string comparison fails when comparing unicode characters

USB2, USB3, iPad 2 and iPad Pro

How do I pause a download in the Launchpad in OS X Lion?

Upgrading and selling my MacBook, how do I clean install Lion and iLife?

Where to find list of downloads in Safari 13.1 for macOS Mojave?