Google Drive transfer without a full upload

Solution 1:

You can migrate over ethernet or wifi directly from one to the other - it's one of the first questions the new Mac will ask you when you power up for the first time.

You need to have access to both Macs at the same time, because there is a security code needed as part of the routine, but it's all very easy to do.
The new Mac will end up being almost a clone of the old one [though differentiated so they don't get confused] & you can carry on as though nothing had changed.

You can do the same from a Time Machine backup - but Mac to Mac is very simple.

They don't even need to have been on the same OS, so old to new is just as easy as like to like.

Google Drive will know it's a new Mac so you'll have to sign in again, but it will be able to see what is already synced & not need to re-do it.

See Apple KB - Move your content to a new Mac