Monodevelop cannot connect to debugger

this little trick , works on my debian 8 (Cinnamon)

  1. Go to Solution Options via Project > ProjectName Options
  2. Under Run > General Section disable the Run on external Console for both Debug and Release Configuration

now it should work for you.

This is due to a recent gnome-terminal change. Recent gnome-terminal no longer accepts the --disable-factory argument.

Install the xterm package, then in a gnome-terminal session do the following:

$ monodevelop

This will cause monodevelop to use xterm as its external terminal and all should be well.

cd /opt/monodevelop && nano

in, write:

cd /usr/bin && ./monodevelop-opt    #or monodevelop if exist

save the file and:

chmod +x
ln -s /opt/monodevelop/ /usr/local/bin/monodevelop
cd /usr/share/applications/ && nano monodevelop-opt.desktop #or monodevelop.desktop if exist

in the file, set or modify lines: Exec= and TryExec= to:

Exec=monodevelop %F

Save the file.

What is happening here that Mono is trying to open mcs to execute the console program. But since the mcs is not installed in the system, it keeps giving that error message. You just need to install mcs and that's all.

Open up the terminal and type this command: sudo apt-get install mono-mcs

This will probably solve the issue.