How to back-up a folder every 15 minutes without taking up more space than needed?

I'm incrementally backing up my coding project with Duplicity and am finding it's consuming storage faster than expected.

The folder I'm backing up consists mostly of gifs, images, and libraries that take up most of the space and are only occasionally changed, and my script files which take up very little space but need to be backed up every 15 minutes or so to avoid losing hours of progress if data is accidentally deleted.

Since Duplicity doesn't store the files whole but has encrypted slices that need to be restored, I assumed that means it's only copying the parts of the folders that need to be changed into a snapshot and algorithmically piecing it together?

If not, is there a tool that would be more efficient for doing this? Ideally I'm trying to set up a system that backs up the entire folder to a USB drive once per day, and does a more efficient sync every 15 minutes so I can easily go back if I accidentally delete everything.

Solution 1:

Use robocopy. Ex. Robocopy "C:\path\tofolder" "U:\path\toUSB" /MIR

Then use task scheduler to run this as often as needed. There are some other useful switches that you could enable, as well.