New posts in countable-nouns

Why is bread uncountable? How do you describe the "three breads" in the picture?

(noun) of (noun) structure, singular or plural? [duplicate]

Plural of “advice”

Do native speakers of major English varieties actually say "a software" or "softwares"?

"Less" vs. "Fewer" when referring to a percentage of a countable quantity

Is "youth" gender-neutral when countable?

The Plural of Email - Emails? [duplicate]

Discrete units of continuous quantity

Can 'surgery' be a count noun in the sense of 'medical procedure'?

countable nouns and uncoutable nouns: water and an (the) apple(s) [duplicate]

Society as a countable noun

"Less" or "fewer" for comparison of weight [duplicate]

"I like apples" vs "I like apple"?

British Mass Nouns versus American Count Nouns

When can uncountable nouns be countable?

When is the word "vaccine" uncountable?

Why is it correct to say "fewer calories" when calories are continuous? [duplicate]

So, "Some advice" or "some advices"? Which is correct?

Why is liquid a countable noun? [closed]

Is "homework" countable?