New posts in copy-paste

Is it possible to copy & paste a pivot table in a spreadsheet?

How to join the files into a similar directory tree?

Copying image with text from Microsoft Teams Chat into Word or Outlook

Paste To Match Style App Shortcut

How to copy and paste styles with Keynote?

Tab (\t) is not recognized as columns delimiter when pasting into Excel 2013

Excel 365: Cannot paste values to visible cells only

python3: how to use the press Ctrl+X (cut) and Ctrl+V using pynput?

How to copy a screen area in PuTTY without pasting?

Cell colors change when copy&paste in Excel 2010

Copying and pasting between tmux panes containing vim instances over SSH in

How can I copy and paste the complete contents of a PEM file?

Can I copy xcode from my applications folder to external hard disk?

How to use multiple pasteboards in OS X?

Paste clipboard data as plain text Service?

How to export a table with transparency from Numbers to PNG?

Is there a way to see the invisible formatting in my clipboard and/or create the formatting when piping to pbcopy?

Vim: Copy selection

Copy NSAttributedString in UIPasteBoard

Is there a way to create a /dev/clipboard like in Cygwin?