How to use multiple pasteboards in OS X?

Solution 1:

PTHPasteboard and OS X 10.10+

The PTH web site suggests PTHPasteboard Pro does not work on OS X 10.10 or later:

PTHPasteboard is not currently available for sale, due to incompatibility with Mac OS X 10.10.

Thus it is probable there is no way to copy into additional pasteboards PTHPasteboard creates on OS X 10.11.


Alternatives listed on PTHPasteboard Pro's MacUpdate page include:

  • ClipMenu
  • Clipboard Evolved

Regrettably, the alternatives above do not mention OS X 10.11 support. Comments on MacUpdate suggest they may still work on the latest OS X.

Solution 2:

You could try Keyboard Maestro. It includes a clipboard history switcher.

includes a free trail

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