New posts in uikit

How to get the name or signature of the current method into an NSString?

How to resize a UIModalPresentationFormSheet?

UIActionSheet is not showing separator on the last item on iOS 7 GM

Multiline UILabel with adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth

Container View getting pushed down as if it had a UINavigationBar?

Refresh Core Data in ViewController when Modal View (2nd VC) is Dismissed

Switching ViewControllers with UISegmentedControl in iOS5

Hiding the Keyboard when losing focus on a UITextView

How to hide UITextField border?

Undo/Redo for drawing in iOS

Is it possible to disable the back navigation menu in iOS 14+?

Create a UIImage with a URL in iOS

Is UIGraphicsBeginImageContext thread safe?

Detect backspace Event in UITextField

How can I rotate an UIImageView by 20 degrees?

Can't reset UILabel attributedText when a UITableViewCell is reused

What exactly is UIFont's point size?

Appearance proxies / UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR in Swift?

Working with Live Photos in Playground

Opening popup links in UIWebView, possible?