New posts in coordination

Is the distinction between "complex sentences" and "compound sentences" real? Is the distinction purely a matter of personal taste?

double and's in list and commas

Coordinating conjunctions between different pairs that are close to each other

Is it “Macaroni, cheese, and steak” or “Macaroni and cheese and steak”?

How should I punctuate "Dave and Sarah, and Fred and Jane"?

"Neither them nor us" vs "Neither they nor we"

Are "Yet" and "However" synonymous?

Comma or no in a two item list where those items are phrases

Is it possible to have an interrogative after an imperative connected with coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence?

A series of 4 elements, which can be considered as 2 series of 2 elements

Does a coordinate clause include a coordinator (/coordinating conjunction)?

"I think therefore I am" parataxis?

Can "then" be used as a coordinating conjunction?

Improper placement of a comma

Can subordinate conjunctions in some cases act as coordinate conjunctions?

Singular or plural verb form with 'What Ø the cause, progress and result of your actions?' [duplicate]

Correct comma usage with "but after years of" [duplicate]

" passion for teaching and my knowledge of the English language makes me" or "...make me..."?

'For' is a coordinating conjunction, but 'because' is a subordinating conjunction. Is that right? Can someone explain why?

Singular or plural verb after a list with multiple "every"s?