New posts in convex-analysis

Show that the product of two convex functions $f,g$ is convex, when both $f,g$ are positive and nondecreasing

Stochastic gradient descent for convex optimization

How do you prove $x^2$ is convex using only the definition of convexity?

Lipschitz-constant gradient implies bounded eigenvalues on Hessian

n-simplex in an intersection of n balls

Prove $f(\sum^k_{i=1} \alpha_i x_i) \leq \sum^k_{i=1} \alpha_i f(x_i) $ for a convex function f

Jensen's inequality; what's the need for the probability measure?

Conjugate function of log-sum-exp?

Proof that a coordinate-wise convex function is convex?

Composition of Proximal Operators

Gradient and Hessian of a function with Matrix Variables

Why is a circle not a convex set?

Two cubes in unit cube

Test if point is in convex hull of $n$ points

Legendre Transformation of a Lagrangian in Classical Mechanics

Proving that $(x,Q) \mapsto \langle x,Q^{-1}x\rangle$ is convex

Problem on Hahn-Banach and separation theorem

Reference request: Choquet theory

Show that $f(x)=||x||^p, p\ge 1$ is convex function on $\mathbb{R}^n$

A question related to convergence property of proximal point algorithm