New posts in convex-analysis

Open Problems in Convex Analysis and Convex Optimization

Prove $\int _0^\infty f^2 dx \leq \cdots $ for $f$ convex

Construct an example of set $A$ for which $A+A=A $ but $0∉cl(A)$

Proof of convexity of linear least squares

Expanding a convex set to a convex set with nonempty interior, while maintaining disjointness from a point

Constraint qualification for linear constraints [closed]

invex functions and their usefulness?

How is the subdifferential of the $l_2$ norm at $x=0$ the polar of the unit ball?

Is a convex function always continuous?

Convex Set or Convex Space?

convex function right left derivatives

How to prove $B-A \succeq 0 \Leftrightarrow$ ellipsoid $x^TBx \leq 1$ contains $x^TAx \leq 1$?

Upper bound: Given $L$-smooth convex $f$; $( y- x)^T \left( \nabla f(z)-\nabla f(x)\right)\leq(L/2) ( \| x-z\|^2+\| x-y\|^2+\| z-y\|^2)$?

How can we define convexity in one dimension?

Prove Convex hull is Convex

Pointwise supremum of a convex function collection

Prove that $P=\text{conv}(x_1,...,x_m)\subset\mathbb R^n$ is the convex hull of its extreme points

Does there exists any non trivial linear metric space in which every open ball is not convex?

convexity proof of a function including ln and sums

Convexity of difference of log-sum-exp: $f(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4) = \log(e^{x_1} + e^{x_2}) - \log(e^{x_1} + e^{x_2} + e^{x_3} + e^{x_4})$