New posts in continued-fractions

Cube root of two $\sqrt[3]2$ continued fraction

Nested Radicals and Continued Fractions

Liouville numbers and continued fractions

Request for a proof of the following continued-fraction identity

Continued fraction for $c= \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac 1{2^{2^k}} $ - is there a systematic expression?

Continued Fraction expansion of $\tan(1)$

Continued fractions

Proof that continued fractions are finite for rationals?

Typicality of boundedness of entries of continued fraction representations

How to prove this determinant is $\pi$?

Multiplication of continued fraction

algebra direct connect pell eqn soln $(p_{nk},q_{nk})$ with $(p_n + q_n\sqrt{D})^k$

Determinants of products of binary matrices and binomial coefficients

Length of continued fractions

The fractional part of $n\log(n)$

Convergents of square root of 2

Continued fraction in 8th root------ any simpler approach?

An uncommon continued fraction of $\frac{\pi}{2}$

Closed form expression for continued fraction

Proving the continued fraction representation of $\sqrt{2}$