Continued fraction in 8th root------ any simpler approach?
Solution 1:
Let $x=a- \frac{1}{x}$ ; this satisfies $x^2-ax+1=0$ ... & $x^2$ satisfies \begin{eqnarray*} (x^2+1)^2=(ax)^2 \\ (\color{blue}{x^2})^2-(a^2-2)\color{blue}{x^2}+1=0 \end{eqnarray*} So to "square root a continued fraction" we need to solve $a^2-2=b$ ... eighth root so we need to do this three times \begin{eqnarray*} a^2-2 &=&2207 \; \; \; &a&=&47 \\ b^2-2 &=&47 \; \; \; &b&=&7 \\ c^2-2 &=&7 \; \; \; &c&=&3 \\ \end{eqnarray*} So we have $\color{red}{x=\frac{3 +\sqrt{5}}{2}}$. (Justify why the positive root has been chosen ... ?)
EDIT : There is often an ambiguity given by exactly how we define the convergents of a continued fraction ... see Continued fraction fallacy: $1=2$
Solution 2:
Expanding the comment a little.
We can factor $$ \begin{aligned} 2207^2-4&=(2207-2)(2207+2)\\ &=2205\cdot2209\\ &=5\cdot441\cdot47^2\\ &=5\cdot21^2\cdot47^2. \end{aligned} $$ Therefore your equation implies that $x^8$ is one of $$ t_1=\frac{2207+ 987\sqrt5}2\qquad\text{or}\qquad t_2=\frac{2207-987\sqrt5}2. $$ Those are integers of the field $\Bbb{Q}(\sqrt5)$. Because $t_1t_2=1$ (the constant term of the quadratic $T^2-2207T+1=0$), they are inversers of each other and therefore units of the ring $\mathcal{O}=\Bbb{Z}[(1+\sqrt5)/2]$.
From the basics of algebraic number theory (or from the theory of Pell equations) we know that $t_1$ is a power of the fundamental unit $u=(1+\sqrt5)/2$ of the ring $\mathcal{O}$.
The given piece of information, $x=(a+b\sqrt c)/d$, for some integers $a,b,c,d$, implies that $x$ is an element of the field $\Bbb{Q}(\sqrt c)$. We already saw that $x^8$ is an element of $\Bbb{Q}(\sqrt5)$. So unless $c=5$ and $x$ is an eighth power in $\mathcal{O}$, our results imply that the minimal polynomial of $x$ would have degree $>2$. Therefore it is strongly implied that, by happenstance, $t_1$ is an eight power in $\mathcal{O}$ as well.
Then we can just do a bit of testing to see that $$ u^{16}=t_1. $$ Therefore $x=\pm u^{-2}$, and you seem to know how to eliminate the wrong alternatives.
With less theory you can just repeatedly denest $\root{8}\of t_1=\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{t_1}}}$. This is, again, by luck (=read problem design). Bill Dubuque has explained a general method for denesting square roots, and you can apply that thrice here (in a sense you already did).