New posts in connotation

Do readers think of the word "ejaculate" beyond its common sexual meaning? [closed]

What does "talk to the hand" mean?

Must an "accident" evolve from human error?

The figurative use of the word "barrage"

What are the connotations of a "foot-washing baptist"? [closed]

What is the nuance of ‘Slipping’ when you say ‘I started slipping my classes short writing assignments?’

Connotation of "I was led to believe"

Connotations: "sanguine" vs "sanguinary"

Does the word ‘hard-boiled’ have a positive connotation?

I am afraid I look servile when I say "please" [closed]

Does “intellectual gymnastics” always have a negative connotation?

The phrase "I'm coming" has some strong sexual connotation [closed]

What does the expression "to add another dimension to the situation" mean?

Is “girl” a valid synonym for “young woman”?

Single word for a synonym with opposite connotation?

Is "lynch" considered a racist word?

Ebb - is it right to say "ebb toward", or does this word have negative connotations

Is the word “classless” neutral in its implication, or does it have a derogatory tone?

Is "adorable" used to describe an adult?

Synonym for "godchild" without religious connotation