New posts in tone

Word to describe a sarcastic, condescending tone/remark [closed]

Tone of voice based on word meaning

Connotations: "sanguine" vs "sanguinary"

Nonvulgar synonym for "smartass"

When is it appropriate to say that a garment looks "flattering"

Connotation of "to expatiate"

What are typical "emotional absolutes" and why we should avoid them in academic writing?

Is there a difference between "I am male" and "I am a male"?

Need softer, less potentially offensive word for "malapropism" [closed]

Word for making an implication with tone

Need less offensive way to say "he doesn't know the difference between his ass and a hole in the ground." [closed]

Sardonic or sarcastic tone?

What does it mean if you are speaking like you are 'delivering a sermon'

Does "nonstandard English" come across as judgmental in the following context?

Is there a specific term for "tone of command" in English?

How to name "people who talk a lot" in a company, without sounding rude

Are these phrases too posh-sounding for conversational English?

The ambitious/arrogant tone of "I"

"We have stood" and using correct tense with the tone of an article

What’s the difference between “concerning” and “regarding”?