The phrase "I'm coming" has some strong sexual connotation [closed]

Is the following statement correct?

“I'm coming” has some strong sexual connotation

There are some guys who propose to avoid this phrase without destination.

Usecase: a comment under Facebook event with text I'm coming!

It is a sexual innuendo as it stands. If you want to avoid any possible 'misunderstanding' you might add what you are referring to, that is I'm coming to the event, etc.

  • An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression;

As noted, that innuendo would probably be used jokingly only by boys, among whom usage of sexual innuendos appears to be quite common, as suggested in the following article:

  • Originally created by authors as a way to firmly grab their readers' imaginations and caress them with an artistic touch for maximum effect, skillful use of sexual innuendo has been forced into the breadth of society.
  • Since its conception, sexual innuendo has slowly and smoothly spread across much of the face of pop culture. Despite periodic attempts by some to smear the practice, spurts of sexual innuendo continue to stick to the body of society, rivulets of which flow down into cultural nether regions and pool.
  • There are many who attempt to push sexual innuendo onto and into every-day life. Morals generally consider it inappropriate to thrust sexual innuendos into the minds of the youth. However, from K through 12, children constantly feel the deep impact of sexual innuendo shoved their minds by both instructors and classmates. This has caused a great excess of sexual innuendo to be secreted from schools.

No, the phrase "I'm coming!" does not generally have a "strong sexual connotation," especially if it's given in a context such as the example you gave. It can be interpreted in a sexual manner, but so can many other normal phrases (such as "it's hard" or "it's too big"). It has been used in the title of a children's book, and also as part of written dialogues in many other books (1, 2, 3, 4) with no sexual meaning intended.

In fact, I found one example from Google Books where even though the term is used in a sexual context, the narrator explicitly is reminded of the non-sexual use of the phrase:

Tom started moving himself quicker and quicker. 'I'm coming!' he called. 'I'm coming!'
He sounded like he was late picking up the kids.

(Sugarbabe, by Holly Hill)

If the term inherently had a strongly sexual connotation, the sentence I bolded would not make much sense: why would someone use a sexually charged phrase when discussing picking up the kids?

If you have friends who consistently interpret things in a sexual light (maybe saying "that's what she said") then you may add a destination to make it less prone to deliberate misinterpretation. But this is not required.