New posts in conditional-probability

Conditional probability question with multiple draws

The king comes from a family of 2 children. What is the probability that the other child is his sister?

OR-port $A\cdot B$: its conditional probabilities with zero working probability for each component? Reductio ad absurdum?

Given its joint probability density function, find $P\left\{Y>\frac{1}{2}|X<\frac{1}{2}\right\}$.

What is the definition of $X|(Y=y)$?

Find the probability that a 4 will appear on the second dice.

Conditional expectation, exponential distribution.

conditional probability of knowledge given a correct selection among n alternatives. Exercise from Pfeiffer

conditional expectation of brownian motion

Pdf of sum of independent rvs is the convolution of pdfs proof

If $P(A) \neq Q(A)$, then is $P(A|B) \neq Q(A|B)$? [closed]

What is the probability of one person each from six groups being on the same committee?

Can the result be 1? Finding the conditional PDF: X given Y=y.

Average number of days to reach hell?

Do we really get extra freedom if one conditions on probability zero events?

Sensitivity and specificity of a repeated test

What is the Probability of someone meeting a person they know on a train?

$f(X) = \mathbb{E}[Y|X]$ maximizes correlation coefficient $Cor(Y,f(X))$?

Unable to understand the difference between the two questions.

Confusion about a simple conditional probability problem