New posts in computational-mathematics

Proving $\pi^3 \gt 31$

(Fast way to) Get a combination given its position in (reverse-)lexicographic order

Fastest Square Root Algorithm

Integer solutions to the equation $a^3+b^3+c^3=30$

Rapid approximation of $\tanh(x)$

Fast way to get a position of combination (without repetitions)

Largest prime gap under $2^{64}$

Modular exponentiation by repeated squaring

How could I improve this approximation?

What is the formula for pi used in the Python decimal library?

Is "A New Kind of Science" a new kind of science?

Unsolved Problems due to Lack of Computational Power

incremental computation of standard deviation

What algorithm is used by computers to calculate logarithms?

Replicating a Classic Billiards Result with a Simulation