New posts in comparatives

A word that means 'most important'?

"More perfect" versus "less imperfect"

Phrase: “Colder than a witch’s kiss!”

Why "Greater Toronto" rather than "Great Toronto"

"Much more easy" versus "much easier"

Speak Slower or Speak Slowlier?

Is “curiouser” in fact a word (like in the famous phrase “curiouser and curiouser”)?

"Like something more" or "like something better"

Smaller vs. less vs. lesser

'Less good' vs 'worse'

Is there a difference between "quicker" and "more quickly"

When should "farther" and "further" be used?

Use of the superlative when only two items are present

"not as" versus "less"

Usage of "elder" and "eldest" in degrees of comparison

Conundrum: "cleverer" or "more clever", "simpler" or "more simple" etc

Are the rules regarding absolute adjectives too absolute?

"More clear" vs "Clearer": when to use "more" instead of "-er"?