New posts in combinatorial-geometry

How many hyperplanes does it take to separate $n$ points in $\mathbb{R}^m$?

IMO 2013 Problem 6

Minimum number of circles with 3 neighbors

When is a polyhedron uniquely determined by its projections?

Minimum number of hemispheres covering a sphere

Minimal circle containing set of points

Positivity of the alternating sum associated to at most five subspaces

British Mathematical Olympiad - December 2001 - Round 1 - Question 4

Configurations of eleven (or more) points in the Euclidean plane, such that out of any four there is a pair at unit distance.

Coloring $\mathbb R^n$ with $n$ colors always gives us a color with all distances.

What is the expected convex depth of a set of $m$ randomly chosen points in the unit square?

Is the figure the circumference of a unit circle?

Is every shape possible with a snake?

Several rectangles cover the unit square. Can I find a disjoint set of them whose area is at least $1/4$?

Tiling of a $9\times 7$ rectangle

Venn diagram with rectangles for $n > 3$

Number of ways to distribute objects, some identical and others not, into identical groups

Combinatorially equivalent polyhedra?

Surface of the intersection of $n$ balls

Probability Based on a Grid of Lights