New posts in catch-phrases

What is "o-matic"? [closed]

What's the meaning of 'TRWTF '?

Origin of "they don't know they're born"?

Origin of "All right, what's all this, then?!"

Why does one "stand there like a lemon"?

There's a product described as "Omaha Steaks Burgers" is this proper English? [closed]

What is a clever saying that means, 'It's impossible to stop natural phenomena? [closed]

When did we start talking about "going viral"?

“and I'm the Queen of Sheba”

Batman vs. Maxwell Smart. Who said, "Good thinking, ...!" first?

What is the meaning of this poem? [duplicate]

Synonyms for the phrase "stop at nothing"

Where did "You know what thought did!" come from?

Where did the expression 'playing the world's smallest violin' come from?

Who started the expression "fake news"?

Why did this Brit say "took a punt"?

Did ‘alakazam’ magically appear out of the thin air?

Word for seeing both sides of an argument

"Make it so!" - where does it come from, how does it "feel" for native speakers?

Origin of "I see, said the blind man, as he waved his wooden leg"