New posts in catch-phrases

A catchphrase to describe an over-protective subordinate

what does ranger redhead mean for Australians?

What's the meaning of phrase "for fun and profit"?

"it's all in the wrist"

How to say this using catch-phrases: "Test A requires a lot of tissue samples, whereas test B doesn't."?

Where does the phrase “neat but not gaudy” come from?

What is the context in which 'ice breaking' is a good thing?

What other expressions and sayings do you have as an alternative to ‘Rip Van Winkle meets Facebook.’?

Origin of "Everybody is smarter than anybody"?

Why "off to hell in a handcart"?

What is the story behind the phrase 'as it were'? Where did it come from?

"After a fashion"

How can dictionaries be tyrants? [closed]

Why fiddlesticks?

Where did the phrase “put a sock in it” come from?

phrase origin: "sent packing"

Who ruled first, “girls” or “boys”?

What does the phrase "You're out of your element" mean?

What do “The great whatever this is,” “It can’t double dip if it never comes back up.”mean?

Why does one "laugh to see a pudding crawl"?