New posts in cardinals

Which of the following sets has the greatest cardinality?(Math subject GRE exam 0568 Q.61 )

Questions about Aleph-Aleph-Null

Does $\mathbb R^2$ contain more numbers than $\mathbb R^1$? [duplicate]

What is the degree of a real closure of an ordered field?

The group of permutations with almost all points fixed is a maximal normal subgroup of the symmetric group.

Can proper classes also have cardinality?

What is the meaning of $n\in \aleph$

Could someone explain aleph numbers?

Why are Aleph Cardinal Numbers "strictly increasing"?

Cardinality of cartesian product of an infinite set with N

The preorder of countable order types

Continuum Hypothesis $\iff ?$?

Is $2^{|\mathbb{N}|} = |\mathbb{R}|$? [duplicate]

Cardinality of power sets decides all of cardinal arithmetic?

cardinal's arithmetic

Must large (infinite) groups have large automorphism groups?

Infinite sets with cardinality less than the natural numbers

Cardinality of relations set

Is there an infinite countable $\sigma$-algebra on an uncountable set

Cardinal Arithmetic versus Ordinal Arithmetic