New posts in british-english

Alternative to "a bunch"?

Did the modern British accent originate from a speech impediment? [closed]

whiskers vs sideburns usage in UK vs US English?

Use two Wh-words in an interrogative sentence

Is "my place" correct and common in British English?

What is the difference between "shopping online" and "online shopping"?

Require more of/from inanimate objects

How is "eff and blind" used?

Synonymity of "is that so" and "really"

"what hair colour have you got?" or "what colour hair have you got?"

Where can I find a list of capitalisation rules for pure British writing?

The first "topless" man

Would the "Cavendish drawl" be considered a dialect?

Does this sentence mean word count is 900-1200 including references and appendix?

Should you always start a new paragraph when starting a new speaker even if the sentence directly before that is directly related?

Is an "elevator pitch" called "lift pitch" in the UK? [closed]

Changing usage of past-perfect constructions in American and British usage

Verification of the sound heard for the last vowel of "Virginia" in the Rolling Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want"

"Nice to talk to" or "Nice to talk too" [closed]

Whatever tickles their fancy in the US?