New posts in british-english

Is this a good and correct translation from 'LEGAL' into 'ENGLISH

If I use British English am I wrong? [closed]

How did the term "bolshie" come to be applied to birds?

Femicide vs feminicide

What is a "hens party" and where is this phrase commonly used?

Congrats (instead of "congratulations") OK?

"on" or "at" when talking about flight dates

Is there a way to phonetically write English so that when read it is with a "British accent"? [closed]

What does "being let go" mean? [closed]

Which is correct: 'Drafty' or 'draughty'?

Origin of "You're nicked, sunshine!"

Cockney wh-dropping

Is the varying pronunciation of "schedule" using "sh-" vs "sk-" regional or individual? [duplicate]

How should I parse the name of the UK? [closed]

Can the word "something" really not be broken up into any pieces (hyphenation) in British English?

Usage of Articles(definite vs indefinte)

Gerunds vs Participles

A babysitter or a childminder?

Is it possible to learn English by just listening and speaking (without knowing formal grammar rules) [closed]

18th Century British-English - "Know not" vs "Don't know"