New posts in british-english

"Never mind" in American English and British English

Usage of 'z' in the word serialized in English?

Correct opposite of checkbox ticked

Difference between 'REVERENCE' and 'DEFERENCE'

What did “eating 'mad cow'” mean in the 1800's?

What does this person mean by: "I want to be thrown free of the accident"?

"Have a nap" or "Take a nap"?

Is there a word for "the application of ointments/creams to oneself"?

How do the British pronounce "want"?

Is 'do be' correct in 'do be aware'?

Usage of the word 'The' [duplicate]

Define "plate" from Sweeney Todd musical

Which version of English is most common in Switzerland?

Does 'colonialised' have some different meaning according to its usage?

Roundel vs Roundabout [closed]

What dialect/accent in the UK do people not say the word "the"

Why use "constitutionality" instead of "constitutional"? [closed]

Expression for becoming homeless, which has the word 'street' in it? How about "pushed to the streets"?

Pronunciation of "banal" in British English?

Why/how native English speakers understand all russian words in "A Clockwork Orange"? [closed]