Is there a word for "the application of ointments/creams to oneself"?

Solution 1:

In the religious/ritualistic sense, the verb is "to anoint [oneself] [+ with]" (Anoint can be transitive or intransitive.)


  1. To smear with an unguent.
    1. To smear or rub over (medicinally or cosmetically) with oil or unguent; to oil, grease, apply ointment to. 1611 Bible (A.V.) Rev. iii. 18 Anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see.

Note that the entry has not been updated since 1884, and is a little out of date as it indicates the word is archaic. I don't think that it is in the religious use.

More recently:

"Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome: An Anthology edited by Ian Michael Plant

  1. To curl and dye the hair (1) First shave the head, then anoint the hair with cow-parsnip root in undiluted wine.

And OED again:

  1. spec. To apply or pour on oil, etc., as a religious ceremony: a. at baptism, or on consecration to an office, as those of priest or sovereign. 1867 M. E. Herbert Cradle Lands 168 Here David was anointed king over the house of Judah.