What was a blind man lamenting about ? Of course about his eyes

No shit, Sherlock

An expression of amazement followed by comparing the interlocutor to the detective Sherlock Holmes, as if they have just made a great deduction. This expression is, however, used sarcastically, to point out that the interlocutor merely stated the obvious.

You think?

a sarcastic reply to someone who utters a statement that is obvious or that goes without saying.

You could say "Thanks, Captain Obvious!"

Thanks Captain obvious is the appropriate response to someone who says something blatantly obvious. This can be said kindly and in jest to one’s friends or spitefully to the jerk that’s been irritating you.
Urban Dictionary

This expression is pretty common. You can find plenty of memes that use it such as the following:

  • Spiderman
  • Animated Gif
  • Cat
  • Deadpool
  • Hotels.com Captan Obvious
  • Rotund Captan America

The expression duh! TFD

Used to express disdain for something deemed stupid or obvious, especially a self-evident remark.

No Kidding!

  1. Inf. Everyone already knows that! Did you just find that out? (Sarcastic.) Sue: It looks like taxes will be increasing. Tom: No kidding! What do you expect? Alice: I'm afraid I'm putting on a little weight. Jane: No kidding!