New posts in bash

Are my Linux symbolic links acting correctly?

grep says 'invalid character range'

Run a command in another cygwin window and not exit

In Bash, how to find the lowest-numbered unused file descriptor?

cd to a symlink, is the same to cd to original folder?

Using `-to` instead of `-t` when using YouTube link as input

bash prompt and echoing colors inside a function

Cmder - 'eval' command is not recognized

bash: how to delete elements from an array based on a pattern

Something along the lines of Wanda the Fish

Strange behavior of vim color inside screen with 256 colors

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon on bash on Ubuntu windows

Is there a way to limit maxdepth for ls -Rhal?

Why do people source bash_profile from bashrc instead of the other way round?

Using read to capture multiple variables from a command's output

How to download a portion of a YouTube video

Quick ls command

How can I trim white space from a variable in awk?

Shell Scripting: Using a variable to define a path

My Git bash forgets my aliases. What can I do?