New posts in bash

Bash upgrade on Mac OSX

SQL like group by and sum for text files in command line?

File encryption in a bash script without explicity providing password

Where can I see modifications made to the PATH environment variable by the Go installer

Mac OS terminal tab separate histories

Bash script output on the screen also to the log file

How to grep two numbers from the same line at different places using bash?

How can I extract the last X chars from a string variable?

I don't want my ls command in my script to print results on screen

can I redirect file as input to notify-send?

Echoing a number?

What does 2 commas after variable name mean in bash?

How to escape "." with sed or grep?

Need to extract a substring from a file path string including the delimiter

Why is this bypassing the SUDO password?

How do I make Bash history undeleteable?

Subshell arguments in -exec parameter for find(1)

make ssh remember host's username

How do I get a bash script file to request a prompt before continuing to the next step?

Shell script to find all types of files in a directory with their count