Bash upgrade on Mac OSX

So, I followed this tutorial...

It seems that it worked fine. When I type in

echo $SHELL and echo $BASH_VERSION

I get

"/usr/local/bin/bash" and "4.0.0(1)-release" .

But, when I simply run "bash" I get shells command line with "bash-3.2$" (not sure if this is important?) and when I try to install RVM (which is my main reason for doing the upgrade in the first place) I still get the

BASH 3.2.25 required (you have 3.2.17(1)-release)


This is because /bin/bash takes precedence over /usr/local/bin/bash in your $PATH. Thus, when you simply write bash, it'll load the former instead of the more recent version.

To fix this, you will need to edit your ~/.bash_profile and add:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

Save the file, and reload your shell (e.g. by exiting the Terminal). Now, any call to bash should use the version in /usr/local/bin instead.