New posts in bash

Split window programmatically with iTerm?

OS X - build a bash function to send notifications via osascript / Applescript

How can I delete text that is NOT in quotes or parentheses?

How can I edit a range of text between 2 symbols? awk, sed, regex

How do I carry my variables from a Bash script into a Perl one?

Is it possible to list only the filename and size for each file in a directory using only options found in the ls utility?

bash: syntax error near unexpected token '<'

How to enter every directory in current path and execute script

What does $(ls *.txt) do?

Shell scripting and regex: Which one is better to match numbers, [[:digit:]] or [0-9]?

Why does ls give different output when piped

How to encode the rdesktop password parameter in a shell script?

See all output from commands performed inside screen

Why does rsync read .bashrc and not .profile?

User permission to create new File Descriptor

Why doesn't my path update *now*?

Is it possible to "unsource" in bash?

What does ${ARGUMENT+x} mean in Bash? [duplicate]

Struggling to parse (bash) time command

Bash and Test-Driven Development