New posts in bash

How to paste files using Applescript (or bash)?

Monitor folder and run command if there is a file there?

Why I obtain this error when I try to perform this simple bash script?

A script for copying random folders

Help with Bash script - appending sequential numbers

How to make zenity "transient parent" warning disappear permanently [duplicate]

Why is my bash script getting "Killed"? How do I prevent that?

HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth doesn't work [duplicate]

Extracting a specific string after a given string from HTML file using a bash script

How can I read URLs on separate lines in a .txt file and ping each one

script to show git branch in bash no longer works on ubuntu 18.04

How Can I Make /bin/sh point to /bin/bash?

Shell script can be run only with sh command

Why does my find command get executed two times?

Execute Bash script at startup, but only once a day?

Why is there a minus sign in "$0" on Mac?

Unexpected behavior in Bash

Toggle "ask for password after screensaver/sleep" or the delay in 10.7 using terminal

How do I detect when a terminal gets focus in Linux?

How to remove all of the diacritics from a file?