New posts in articles

Was "an unicorn" ever correct?

Use of definite article in "the more" and "the less"

Superlatives with "the"

Why is "the" optional in "at home", "at school", or "at church"? [duplicate]

Article after 'added' or 'implemented' in software changelogs [closed]

Is it grammatically correct to say that someone is "the son of Satan"?

What is the articulatory logic behind the "a/an" rule in English?

Should Sporadic usage of Definite Article be placed in the middle of cataphoric usage and zero article usage?

Articles in a list

Omission of the indefinite article to eliminate ambiguity [duplicate]

A or an XML report? [duplicate]

Why do we say ‘I have "a" husband (wife)?

In "Are you staff?" does "staff" need to be preceded with an article?

"There is X" vs "There is a/an X"

Why does English need an article before any noun?

Why "be king", not "be a king"? [duplicate]

The King James edition of the Bible, 'an Hebrew'

"An X of an Y" or "The X of an Y"?

Usage of English articles with mathematical equalities

"not found" or "is not found"