New posts in android-preferences

Android - How Do I Set A Preference In Code

Dynamic ListPreference in android

When to use CheckBox and when Switch

Best option to store username and password in android app

Non Deprecated findPreference() Method? - Android

How to use EditTextPreference as a masked Password text field?

Initialize preferences from XML in the main Activity [duplicate]

How to use Percentage for android layout?

How to set the Default Value of a ListPreference

Single page PreferenceActivity w/no headers/fragments?

Where to store Android preference keys?

How to detect if changes were made in the preferences?

What's the maximum size for an Android shared preference value?

How to get all keys of SharedPreferences programmatically in Android?

How to listen for preference changes within a PreferenceFragment?

how to use getSharedPreferences in android

Android Alarm Clock UI

How to open or simulate a click on an android Preference, created with XML, programmatically?

how to remove shared preference while application uninstall in android

Android preferences onclick event