New posts in android-sqlite

SQLite Database gives warning automatic index on <table_name>(column) After upgrading Android L

Best option to store username and password in android app


SQLite Syntax for Creating Table with Foreign Key

How to convert milliseconds to date in SQLite

Get the field value with a Cursor

How to import Room Persistence Library to an Android project

Android Room compile-time warning about column in foreign key not part of an index. What does it mean?

Using String[] selectionArgs in SQLiteDatabase.query()

SQLite Connection leaked although everything closed

A pre-populated database does not work at API 28 throws "no such table" exception

Android SQLite insert method small clarification

Android SQLiteOpenHelper: Why onCreate() method is not called?

What are the overheads of using AUTOINCREMENT for SQLite on Android?

How to store and retrieve a byte array (image data) to and from a SQLite database?

Will SQLite performance degrade if the database size is greater than 2 gigabytes?

Android SQLite Insert or Update

How can I insert image in a sqlite database

How to use images in Android SQLite that are larger than the limitations of a CursorWindow?

Android: column '_id' does not exist