New posts in android-view

How to make SearchView always expanded in android?

EditText not scrollable inside ScrollView

Are "GONE" views detrimental to performance?

Android View setPadding() vs setPaddingRelative()

Using clipRect - explanation

How to use Percentage for android layout?

Disable dark fading in Navigation Drawer

Why isn't there a getContentView() method for Activity?

Why does calling getWidth() on a View in onResume() return 0?

When it's necessary to execute invalidate() on a View?

Android - Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.view.View.getBoundsOnScreen(' on a null object reference

How can you tell if a View is visible on screen in Android?

What does top, left, right and bottom mean in Android Rect object

Custom view ... overrides onTouchEvent but not performClick

filling a circle gradually from bottom to top android

No resource identifier found for attribute '...' in package ''

Prevent BottomSheetDialogFragment covering navigation bar

Double tap: zoom on Android MapView?

java.lang.StackOverFlow error. Suspected too many views?

Nexus 5x reverse landscape sensor fix in a android camera preview app