New posts in android-edittext

Android EditText Gmail like to field

Android adjustpan not working after the first time

Android RecyclerView: Change layout file LIST to GRID onOptionItemSelected

Handling Enter Key on EditText (Kotlin, Android)

TextInputLayout and AutoCompleteTextView

Get text string from EditText?

Android Clearing all EditText Fields with Clear Button

how to make hint disappear when edittext is touched?

EditText not scrollable inside ScrollView

In Android, how to create EditText of fixed width?

Android Money Input with fixed decimal

How to exclude special characters from android keypad for EditText

Add bigger margin to EditText in Android AlertDialog

Android - EditText gives IndexOutOfBounds Exception while using textAllCaps

How can I detect focused EditText in android?

Focus on EditText in ListView when block descendants (Android)

EditText OnKeyListener not working

change font for editText hint

Change EditText password mask character to asterisk (*)

Change border color when edittext is focused