New posts in android-listview

Android - ListView slide left/right like Samsung contact ListView

Sometimes listView.getChildAt(int index) returns NULL (Android)

Gmail style listview

Focus on EditText in ListView when block descendants (Android)

How to use fast scroll in android?

How do I clear ListView selection?

Loop to upload list images one by one

Different row layouts in ListView

ListView without ListActivity

How to get Selected items from Multi Select List View

Is it possible to extend AbsListView to make new ListView implementations?

Getview Called multiple times in android

Android - ListView to load more items when reached end [closed]

Populate list of custom view using ListFragment

Add fragment into listview item

How can I make a cell in a ListView in Android expand and contract vertically when it's touched?

Android: requestLayout() improperly called

Custom Filtering ArrayAdapter in ListView

Showing the current selection in a listview

Android: Radio button in custom list view