New posts in android-textinputlayout

TextInputLayout and AutoCompleteTextView

Issue: change border color or box stroke for unfocused TextInputLayout in android

MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox it doesn't work properly boxBackgroundColor

InflateException when using TextInputLayout

TextInputLayout Hint doesn't float up after updating Google Support Library

Jetpack Compose: Custom TextField design

TextInputLayout.setError() leaves empty space after clearing the error

How to change the hint size of TextInputLayout

TextInputLayout has no effect for giving hint programmatically in EditText

TextInputLayout :How to give padding or margin to hint?

Couldn't resolve resource @id/visible when using TextInputLayout

Change the TextInputLayout outline color

How to add floating label on Spinner

EditText added is not a TextInputEditText. Please switch to using that class instead

Disable/Remove floating label hint text in TextInputLayout XML

Android 8.0 Oreo crash on focusing TextInputEditText

How to set TextInputLayout error message colour?

Remove dropdown arrow from AutoCompleteTextView

how to change color of TextinputLayout's label and edittext underline android

Outlined Edit Text from Material Design