New posts in material-components-android

MaterialButton style being overridden, how do I keep it?

Issue: change border color or box stroke for unfocused TextInputLayout in android

Change dialog button color

How to display badge for a menuItem of BottomNavigationView of material library (version 1.1.0-alpha08)?

bottomSheetDialogFragment full screen

Badge on BottomNavigationView

MaterialDatePicker not working on Android

How to center icon in a MaterialButton which has no text?

Set selected color

MaterialDatePicker get selected dates

Implementing SearchView as per the material design guidelines

Change Chip Widget style programmatically not working - Android

Style SnackBar in theme app

Material design button with border

Android material chip component crashing app. Unable to inflate xml

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This component requires that you specify a valid android:textAppearance attribute

ImageView with only one rounded corner

Android Circular Determinate ProgressBar

MaterialComponents theme alert dialog buttons

BottomSheetBehavior not in androidX libraries