New posts in android-canvas

Android: How to check if a rectangle contains touched point?

Using clipRect - explanation

Save canvas then restore, why is that?

How to draw Arc between two points on the Canvas?

Drawing an outer shadow when drawing an image

Android View.onDraw() always has a clean Canvas

Android BlurMaskFilter has no effect in canvas.drawOval while text is blurred

Crop square image to circle - Programmatically

How to set gradient style to paint object?

Rect and RectF in Android SDK

Can I draw with antialiasing on canvas?

What does top, left, right and bottom mean in Android Rect object

Bezier curve and canvas

Android canvas draw line - make the line thicker

Drawing a filled rectangle with a border in android

android canvas drawText set font size from width?

How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together?

Android canvas: draw transparent circle on image

How to Measure TextView Height Based on Device Width and Font Size?

Looking for an explanation of post/pre/set Translate (in Matrix object) and how to use them