Dynamic ListPreference in android
How to generate dynamic listPreference in android? I want to get all wifi access points and make a list using in preference Activity(i.e. make a list using listpreference). How to do this?
Solution 1:
Every XML element in Android can be created programmatically as the element name is also a Java class. Hence you can create a ListPreference in code:
CharSequence[] entries = { "One", "Two", "Three" };
CharSequence[] entryValues = { "1", "2", "3" };
ListPreference lp = new ListPreference(this);
You could alternatively create it in XML then add the entries/entry values in code:
CharSequence[] entries = { "One", "Two", "Three" };
CharSequence[] entryValues = { "1", "2", "3" };
ListPreference lp = (ListPreference)findPreference("list_key_as_defined_in_xml");
Solution 2:
For creating a dynamic list preference, u need to create a preference activity (ie to extend an activity as PreferenceActivity).
The following code can be used to create the list dynamically.
// Root PreferenceScreen root = getPreferenceManager().createPreferenceScreen(this); dialogBasedPrefCat.setTitle("Category Title"); root.addPreference(dialogBasedPrefCat); //Adding a category // List preference under the category ListPreference listPref = new ListPreference(this); listPref.setKey("keyName"); //Refer to get the pref value listPref.setEntries("Array of values"); listPref.setEntryValues("Array of item value"); listPref.setDialogTitle("Dialog Title"); listPref.setTitle("Title"); listPref.setSummary("Summary"); dialogBasedPrefCat.addPreference(listPref); Adding under the category return root;
Hope this helps to get an !dea...
Create and add values to CharSequence[] like this:
CharSequence[] cs = new String[]{"myValue"};