Where to store Android preference keys?

Solution 1:

I've found that it's possible to store keys in strings.xml and refer to them from preferences.xml just like all other values android:key="@string/preference_enable".

In code you can refer to key by typing getString(R.string.preference_enable)

You can mark the string to not be translated using a <xliff:g> tag. See Localization Checklist

<string name="preference_enable"><xliff:g id="preference_key">enable</xliff:g></string>

Solution 2:

You could use a "keys.xml" files in "res/values", but should put something like this, this way you should dont have problem when you are using multiple languages:


    <string name="key1">key1</string>
    <string name="key2">key2</string>

Then you could reference it like a normal string in xml:


or in your java code for example:

SwitchPreference Pref1= (SwitchPreference) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(getString(R.string.key1));