New posts in american-english

Is "know the drill" used in American English as well as UK English in a daily conversation?

"He's good police"

"Parting shot" origin

Does T become S sometimes in casual American speech?

The term 'vocal fry': where does it come from?

Is the [ʊ] sound pronounced with lip rounding?

What do Americans call a 'double-barrelled surname'?

The case of "y'all"

Pronouncing the "th" sound in American accent

"tear apart" or "rip apart" packaging?

Why is a person who shares a house in the US called a roommate, not a housemate?

Tete-a-tete commonly known in English? [closed]

How to pronounce the adjectival form of "patent" in American English?

Why do American and British English use different quotation marks?

Where in the US are these vowels mispronounced? "got" -> "gat"

How is justice served?

What's the correct way to write the general location of someone in the USA? [closed]

Pronunciation of double consonants

Is "Most of the world does not distinguish captions from subtitles" true?

Single choice and multiple choice questions helper sentences